CBSE English Keywords
Definition of keywords -
Till Class 9, I studied all the lessons and wrote answers in my own words. Class 10 was the first time; I heard the term “Keywords”. According to my teachers, “keywords” were phrases/words which described the whole answer and had to be underlined in the answer.Importance of keywords -
They also told me that, teachers who correct papers in the boards, check for these keywords, and allot marks accordingly. My teachers, wanted these “keywords” to be underlined for all my answers. They also wanted me to use these keywords in the VBQ’s also.I was already accustomed to writing answers in my own way, without any keywords underlined. But, my English teacher, didn’t give me full marks for my answers in unit tests, since I didn’t use any of the keywords in my answers. My teacher insisted me, in using those words/phrases, so that I could score well in my board exams.
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