Class 10 Sanskrit - What letter and why?
Type of letter - We have letter writing in Sanskrit starting from grade 8. The letter is a “fill in the blanks” type, where the words which need to be filled will be given in the help box below the letter. For students, “filling blanks” is easy normally. But, in these letters that is not the case. Pattern of letter and difficulty faced - As Sanskrit is not a language that we usually speak, these letters were difficult for me. The letter was a part of the writing skills section. Each sentence had one blank for ½ mark. There were 10 blanks like that, which sums up to 5 marks. Each letter was different, so there were many new words in these letters, which I needed to learn. The first few blanks were direct like sender’s name, receiver’s name etc. The next blanks were part of the main content in the letter. This pattern did not change. But I had the same age-old problem of not understanding the meaning of the sentences. Practices followed to score full marks - In order to get ...